New Here?

We Have a Place For You

Whether you’re a young or senior adult, single, or married with kids, you’ll feel encouraged by the authentic community we have here at Lake Country. You can visit as many times as you want without any obligations or pressure. And who knows-you just might decide to make Lake Country your new home!

What is worship like?

We begin each service with vibrant worship and congregational singing led by our worship team. Whether you choose to lift your hands and sing along or stand in quiet reflection, you’ll encounter God in a way that is sure to impact your day.

How long is the service?

Our services last around 90 minutes. We end with an opportunity for you to receive prayer and one-on-one ministry from a trained staff member or volunteer on our prayer team.

What should I wear?

God is far more concerned about you and your heart than your attire. You want to dress up? Do it. Little more casual? Come on. You are going to see people in t-shirts to ties here at Lake Country, so come as you are.

What kind of message will I hear?

You’ll hear an encouraging Bible-based message by our Senior Pastor Scott Crenshaw. On occasion, we’ll have a guest speaker who’ll share an equally uplifting message.

What time does the service start?

Our Sunday worship service begins at 10:30am. But get here early because at the Lake Country Café we have a full breakfast served every week for just $5 starting at 9:45am. This is a great way to meet others and get a good seat for the service. Our Kidz check in opens at 10am and closes at 11am.

Connect With Us When You Arrive
Connect With Us When You Arrive

If you’d like to learn more about Lake Country, stop by Connect Central before or after service to speak with a staff member or volunteer. We’d love to share more about our heart and ministry as well as learn more about you!